FEMP FOA Assisting Federal Facilities with Energy Conservation Technologies (AFFECT)

Host: Federal Energy Management Program, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)

Content: DE-FOA-0000901 AFFECT: This is the second time on this grant in several years and it may cycle in future years IF the result can impact by reducing energy consumption and using renewable energy. RE should be able to cover more of these goals than the CHP projects. CHP and RE Projects for federally owned building that are already in progress and moving well are not eligible. Existing projects that are stalled can apply to the FOA.

Moderator: Courtney Kendall 

Presentors: David Boomsma, PhD, Sr. Energy Analyst (FEMP), Specialist in Clean Energy Projects for Federal Agencies

Brad Gustafson: FEMP EERE, GC,  LEED Accredited

David Boomsma:

Funding: $2.5 – $5 million (not yet funded). Typical project: $500K but allows for various grant size. Guesstimate of 5 large or 10 to 20 smaller grants.  This will be affected by the number of applications. The EERE wants to obligate the funds this year. The funds will not expire after 2013,  so if the Final Deliverable is met late in the 24 month life cycle the funds will not have expired.

AFFECT Grants are eligible through inter agency agreements, up to 24 months life cycle for the project. Only Federal agencies or subagencies (a site of a federal agency) with buildings that are owned by the federal govt are eligible. The 50% cost leveraging from fed or nonfed sources, multiple applications are ok as long as distinct projects. The goal is for CHP or RE. The Dec 10th LOI is for planning purposes only and must contain: Project Title, Location, Lead org, Anticipated Budget, Anticipated Duration, Project Team, Technical Topic and 200 word Abstract.

The PINT (Principle Investigator Number ) does not have to be federal employee, it just needs to be a federally owned site.

The Feb 8th full application must include:

10 page Project Narrative (pdf): Control Number received from LOI, Four Parts: Cover Page, Project Description, Background, and Proposed Workplan (SOW see FOA pp 16-17), Team and Resources (LOC as separate attachment, Mgt Plan, etc)  (see slides for specific subcontent req’s). LOI’s are 1 page from Agency Leaders.

SF-424: Standard form. Use the URL provided

Life Cycle Analysis: Project must adhere to 10 CFR 436, SubpartA. Design/Build projects apply for the project that you want to construct. A Final Deliverable cannot be the Design only.

Leveraging: Total cost of developing the project minus the savings. See Economic Overview (p 60 of FOA). Private sector financing is strongly encouraged (Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) or UEAE financing). This must be appropriated funds or private sector funds, this is not in-kind cost sharing, salaries of federal employees do not apply.

Merit Criteria: Measurement Verification is not formally defined.

Project Impact: Weighted at 20%: conducive to adoption at other federal facilities, impacts the thinking of other federal agencies about RE,  and moving toward achievement of energy related goals; Cost Leveraging: 25%; Technical and Economic Merit : 25%; Project Mgt Plan: 20%.

Large sites vs small sites: The many small federal sites will receive the same consideration, particularly as demonstration sites for expansion and application to larger sites. The small sites can show that a larger vision for a larger program will be highly considered. This is not limited to domestic locations. As long as the site is U.S. federally owned the agency can apply.


Examples of Final Deliverable: Completion of procurement of a vendor for the project.  Getting a project under contract or assigning a Task Order. Final negotiations will determine the Final Deliverable. Then the awardee (federal agency/subagency) can spend the funds. An award can be terminated if no an agency cannot meet it’s milestones and no Final Deliverable is achieved. The 24 month Life cycle of the project begins after negotiations when the award is disbursed. Making the selection of a contractor to do the project does not have to be decided until the Final Deliverable contract. So, RFP’s for contractors will be posted further on down the line. The agencies do not have to have a contractor to receive funds. Committing to a contractor is a final step.

Schedules: Should be challenging and achievable

Project Impact: Experience gained through the project must lend itself to adoption by other federal sites, lesson learned.


A project with multiple locations requires separate applications. If multiple projects at one site requires a single application.

Leveraging more than 50% will receive a higher score. 50% leveraging is the minimum. Cost leveraging is 50% of the total cost of the project, not just development of the project.

EERE will not assist agencies with the application. But will help agencies to define milestones in the negotiation phase for the Final Deliverable.


  1. Presentation files will be available after the presentation (Webinar ID: 305-696-254). Posted on FEMP webpage
  2. Questions can be emailed to AFFECT@go.doe.gov at anytime.
  3. Problems with EERE Exchange: EERE-ExchangeSupport@hq.doe.gov
  4. Please contact Courtney Kendall with questions regarding Tuesday’s webinar at Courtney.Kendall@nrel.gov or by calling 303-275-3718.

The Lithium Ion Inflection Point: Advanced Batteries and the Coming Boom in the Li-Ion Market

Host: Battery Power, Navigant Research

Moderator: Richard Martin, Editorial Director, Navigant Research


Sam Jaffe, Senior Research Analyst, Navigant Research: Lithium Ion Marketplace and Market. The history of LI technology since the 1980’s is now Lithium Cobalt, Lithium Manganese Spinel, Lithium Iron Phosphate and Lithium Titanate and Nickel Manganese Cobalt. The dominant chemistry for the future is Magnesium Ion because is does not form dendrites and Magnesium is cheaper than other chemicals. Lithium Sulphur (LiS) has excellent energy density but short longevity. Lithium Air (LO) is the Holy Grail of battery research because it is close to the energy density of gasoline (4000Wh/kg). Lithium Capacitor (LiC) has only 15Wh/kg, but solves some of the cost problems of supercapacitors.

The concept of the inflection point: every market that batteries enter reach a balance point of supply and demand that  is followed by a sudden jump in demand. ie: EV LI batteries are moving to Nickel Cadmium Ion.

Cost Forecast: Batteries have reached their floor ($250/kWh), but the potential to go lower than $200 is very possible. The price of Small Format  LI cells have drastically dropped and Large Format LI cells will follow suit. The EV Battery Pack Costs: Tesla 65kWh Nickel Cadmium Aluminum $25,000 per cell/$40,000/pack, Nissan Leaf 25 kWh Costs: $11,000/cell and $16,000/pack.

LI Battery EV Market Forecasts by Region:  Overall growth to $45 billion market in 2022 globally with strongest sectors NA, Western Europe and Asia.

LI Battery for Stationary Storage: Frequency regulation is the only market making money now, but is expected to grow from the current less than $1 Billion market to a $7 Billion market by 2022.

Trends in Portable Action Batteries: The desire is for more battery and power management rather than trying to design a new chip.

Portable Application Markets: LI plays well in instrumentation and movement devices (ie mobile wheel chairs). Growth is from $6 to $10 Billion by 2023.

Power Tool Battery Forecast: from $300 Billion to $650 Billion by 2023.

Total Forecast: Overall growth from $10 Billion in consumer electronics to $70 Billion by 2023 as LI are applied in Defense and Medical markets.

Stephen Kelly, Senior VP of Sales, Green Charge Market

Green Charge installed their first storage system in 2011 through a DOE grant. Everyone is trying to solve the energy storage puzzle (chemical, thermal, etc. ) Utilities are doing more bulk storage in order to reduce problems with overcapacity. Currently the growth in energy storage is for: arbitrage, reduced peak demand storage, and combine the two. California AB 2514 mandates 1.3 GW of storage by 2020. The first window is 2014. All sectors are rushing to meet that quota.

Financial Case Study of 7-11 Store in New York: Consumer bill (energy and demand charges) can be over 50% demand charges that are on the rise need to change. Increasing consumer hedge against the rising demand charge through Smart controls, energy storage and  networked communications that reduce peak demand resulting in 30% reduction in electricity bill. When solar is added to the system the drop in demand drops 200%.

Case Study of 1MGW system: comparing solar only with solar and battery shows consistent usage across non peak and peak demand windows.

There is much revenue potential as customers are installing energy storage, creating Energy Arbitrage (storing cheap energy to use during expensive energy windows). This requires no behavioral changes, lasts 3 – 5 years and has immediate payback.

The average installation is a 90 – 100 kWh system with an expected lifecycle of 11-14 years.

Summary: Battery storage for energy arbitration to mitigate the cost of peak demand electricity is the new market (low hanging fruit), especially in CA and NY where the demand charges are very high.

Resources: This webinar is archived on the webinar page of Navigant Research (www.navigantresearch.com) and is available for replay.

Navigant Research has an Advanced Battery Tracker analysis tool for sale to predict LI market growth in specific sectors.

ESTAP Webinar: Optimizing the Benefits of a PV with Battery Storage System

Host: Clean Energy States Alliance, DOE through Sandia Labs, NM

Preview: Optimizing the benefits of a photovoltaic (PV) storage system with a battery. The webinar will discuss PNM’s Prosperity Energy Storage Project, which is partly funded through DOE’s Recovery Act Smart Grid Storage Demonstration Program. The project has successfully demonstrated optimizing the storage and delivery of energy using a PV with battery system. The webinar highlights examples of the successful operation, results of the optimization analyses, and lessons learned.

Facilitator: Maria Blais Costello


Dr. Imre Gyuk: Energy Storage Program Manager in the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability

PV Solar is attractive as an alternative because it is clean and sustainable. Recent costs of Solar PV have plummeted exponentially leading to soaring production: 8.9GW in US and 10GW in Japan. The choices are rooftop or large solar farm. 50% are large scale (100 MW or more). Problematic issues of solar: peak load patterns don’t match human patterns and intermittency (clouds pass).

Medium size projects (1-5 MW) will smooth the larger installation. But the intermittency and peak issues will require load shifting thus requiring battery banks. The East Penn Manufacturing advanced storage batteries have been extensively tested by PSNM, UNM, Northern NM College, Ecoult, Sandia Labs and US DOE Office of Electricity. An algorithm to predict intermittency and adjust for peak load times was the result of the research discussed.

Dan Borneo: Sandia National Labs, Manage Energy Storage Program ESTAP: To accelerate energy storage commercialization. Goal is to get the states involved in energy storage. Research focuses on reliability and cost effectiveness. Utilize the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) Program.

Steve Willard, Project Manager, PNM: Optimization is the focus for smoothing, shaping and arbitrage. Prosperity Project is a 2 year old project that has achieved the goals of dispatchable PV and combined PV for peak shaving with simultaneous load reduction. The goal is to get simultaneous benefits from the battery production. The Prosperity Project model helped to understand the performance, economic and engineering benefits of the systems. This Project developed and tested models as the underlying requirement to understand the algorithm application. The goal was to create (shape, shave) solar as a friendly player on the grid and was accomplished. The data from the Prosperity Project synthesizes a wide variety of data to create an Advanced Calculating Mechanism shared across databases. There is also a cybersecurity database layered on the autonomous, fielded smoothing. There are 228 points of data received every second. Sandia Labs and UNM pretested and allowed for mimicking of the data for smoothing of the algorithm. The algorithm did smooth allowing for dampening the oscillations of the Ultra battery from Ecoult. Tools used were PV meter and irradiance sensors that help to balance load with the size of the system. The LPass factor combined with the sliding energy window are the elements to calculate ramp rates. The Low Pass filter and Load Tap Changer seemed to replicate each other. The end result of the algorithm was a firming of PV  flow that shapes energy into a predictable rectangle of energy that utilities prefer. Current weather forecasting is weak in relation to energy, so a Predictive Mechanism was created from an energy focus rather than a weather focus.

The results present the questions of: Which is the best Stacked Benefit configuration? That will be defined by establishing thresholds of when the peaks occur and how to shape (peak shave) the block of energy for the load, and how to optimize the battery life. Economic benefits are still being modeled through smoothing algorithms and determining optimal battery size.

Lessons Learned: Shifting algorithms are dependent on weather. Smoothing benefits are feeder specific. Economic benefits need to accommodate stacked benefits, and Energy Storage is Great for the Grid and support Distributed Generation.

Summary: At the Medium Project level Firming and Peak Shaving replaces MMPP to allow for reliability to schedule energy for utilities that match the Feeder Load Profile. The portfolio of storage devices work for different scenarios: power work for bursts of power versus storage. Comparing batteries is not a fair study unless you think in the long term. Look in the Energy Storage Guide book to know what is on the market. The Ecoult Ultra battery has an exceptional life. Sandia Labs Energy Storage Testing Laboratory can test a wide variety of battery types. Long term reliability on batteries is currently being gathered.

Resources: The webinar materials can be found at http://www.cleanenergystates.org/events/showevent/estap-webinar-optimizing-the-benefits-of-a-pv-with-battery-storage-system?d=2013-09-16.

Listserve of events also available at www.cleanenergystates.org/

Energy Storage Handbook: Available at: http://www.sandia.gov/ess/publications/ESHB%201001834%20reduced%20size.pdf Webinar about this archived on the CESA website

DOE International Energy Storage Data Base: 206 projects across the US


Solar Action Webinar Series: Innovation and Success in Solar Net Metering and Interconnection

Host: DOE SunShot Initiative

Introductory Summary: This is an overview of recent successes in efforts to streamline 

    interconnection and net metering application processes
–  Case studies and lessons learned
–  An introduction to new resources for improving net metering and
   interconnection policies and processes.

Presenter: Courtney Kendall

Speaker: Linda Irvine, Interconnection Workgroup, Seattle, Washington, Department of Commerce

The Interconnection Work Groups published a report (available at NW Utilities website). The goal of the group was to streamline internal processes for interconnection. The conclusions of the Seattle, Washington Working Group are:  a 3 tier interconnection agreement, no requirement for AD disconnect not required unless specified, and 3rd party systems can net meter. 

Utility Action Plan: Applies Near Term and Long Term goals. The coordination between the City of Seattle and the Utilities that serve the city is a new development. Reduction of time lines for interconnection applications has been a challenge due to the concentration of solar projects in a small part of the Seattle. The timelines for interconnection approval and permitting has been reduced to a 2 week timeline. Standardization of the interconnection application requires agreement across the entire state for a 25kW EZ application. Planning is moving toward a larger perspective through mapping of the interconnection agreements, as well as upgrading the billing system. 

Seattle Summary: The SunShot program goals that aim to reduce the solar soft cost of city permitting is expressed in the Working Groups studies, findings, and operational plans in Seattle, Washington. Interconnection agreement must be an easy process via online submittal, a single point of contact, and streamlining through standardization of application, forms, and application process. 

Michael Berkshire, Green Projects Administrator, City of Chicago: The City of Chicago partnered with national law and policy center. The City of Chicago utilized a $750,000 grant to address Interconnection as well as other areas. 

Allison Andrews, Product Manager, West Monroe Partners: The City of Chicago worked with stakeholders to understand the process, rolls and responsibilities, and researched best practices from utilities. The interconnection review process study resulted in: an online 25kW application, a cloud based distribution management platform. 

Robyn Mackey, Interconnect Coordinator, Commonwealth Edison Company: The positive impacts of the online interconnection agreement were immediate. Duplication was reduced with an electronic smart forms, electronic payment. Further benefits are expected to be: synchonous forms reduce repetition for the applicant, and will reduce time for review by the City. 

Resources: An example of the simplified, standardized one-line drawing is included in the Ppt slides. More of the NW Working Group report is available at: nwsolarcommunities.org

Some screen shots of the Chicago online Home Page, Application,  are included in the presentation.   


DOE: Conducting Transmission Feasibility and System Impact Studies

Host: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Tribal Energy Program, and Western Area Power Administration are pleased to continue their sponsorship of the Tribal Renewable Energy Webinar Series. 

Introductory Summary: The development of more renewable energy resources raises challenges and opportunities for the electric grid relating to upgrades and potential new construction. This webinar addresses the components needed to analyze and assess the impacts, costs, and benefits of transmission line upgrades and additions. The series is designed to promote energy efficiency and foster economic development and overcome barriers to Indian independent through electrification of Indian’s homes. 

Speaker: Ed Weber, Sr. Electrical Engineer

Power Project Evaluation Studies: The history of how evaluate the gird through FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the ruling body of the grid). The rate-based concept ran the grid. FERC approved the wholesale rates to achieve reliable service to the loads. FERC Order 88 changed to market based rates. Since ENRON FERC has strengthened market regulation. Now a transmission service agreement is required to move power in either a Network or Point-to-Point service. The current load growth and coal plant retirement due to aging generators is being answered by increased capacity in natural gas, growth in solar and new transmission projects. Wind growth has slowed since 2008. Barriers to growth are environmental concerns and financing. Current transmission plants are not near load centers. 

Propose a project: that replaces energy transmission loss (such as a closing coal plant) and that has the natural resources that you need.  The Right of Way (ROW) and Environmental Studies, Tribal land use requirements need to be addressed. Equipment procurement has a 18-24 month lead time. 

Speaker: Gail Mansell, Transmission System Planning Mgr.

Generation Interconnection Requests: identify interconnection problems. She explains the general interconnection requirements, fees and procedures.  Tariff documents for Nevada and N Nevada are available at OASIS (https://www.nvenergy.com/company/rates/). The Interconnection Studies look at Overload, Low Voltage, Transient Stability, Short Circuit Stability. The point is to show that the new transmission system will not degrade the capability of the existing system. 

Summary: The key is reliability. Current 10% return on investment makes the transmission projects attractive. Coal plant closing is the major driver so propose a project to replace that energy source. The future looks like a combination of solar and wind farms. The Interconnection Studies are “First paid – First studied” so it looks like the bias is toward those that already have money. 

Resources: This is the 7th in the series. Other webinars are archived at: 



DOE: Challenge Home Program, Retro-Commissioning, and More

July 18 2013

DOE Live Webcast:  Challenge Home Program, Retro-

Commissioning, and More

(RetroCommissioning and the Public Sector)

Hosted by: DOE EERE,

Host: Erin Nobler with NREL

Speaker: Molly Lunn, DOE State and Local Technical Assistance Program

Intro to the DOE State and Local Technical Assistance Program;

They do a monthly series of webinars and have trainings available.

Presenter 1: Ron Underhill, Building Technology Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (http://www.pnl.gov/)

An Overview of Commercial Building Retrocommissioning 

The perception that retrocommissioning is costly is a barrier to commitment. A commitment to retuning training on Operation and Maintenance of Renewable Energy (RE) systems will help to overcome that barrier. For current ideas on retuning training go to: http://www.retuning.org (electronic model to work with) and/or http://www.pnl.gov/builidingretuning

6 Steps in Large Building Retuning Training: Collecting building info, Pre-Retuning phase, Building walk down, Re-tuning, Post Retuning, and Savings analysis.

List of common problems: schedules, “idling” during non occupied time zones, keeping up with the “shoulder” seasons (heating and cooling seasons) that can result in simultaneous heating and cooling.

Small Building Retuning: If you don’t need it turn it off or down, the Tail Wagging the Dog syndrome means that smart energy decisions are adjustments that fit the building so get to know the “personality” of the system. You can diagnose issues through your senses with a walk down evenings and weekends. The focus areas of a prescriptive approach: Building envelope.

Presenter 2: Luke Iderton, Energy Outreach Colorado (http://www.energyoutreach.org/)

EOC leverages every level of funding to achieve energy efficiency/retrocommissioning (RCx). The goals is not to redesign the existing system but to retrofit for highest or higher efficiency on both private and public buildings. The impact of RCx policies means that stakeholders must give feedback and have consistent, clear guidelines. Training building operators and operators is the greatest asset for the RCx process from initial study through long term RCx intervals, sale of the building, major HVAC replacement or renovation. Some States are offering incentives to follow through with the retrofits. The voluntary versus mandatory policy for retrofits brings up issues of contract bidding that now must include retrofit with any renovation. RCx is only part of a retroffiting plan. It should be accompanied by benchmarking, rating and disclosure policies that impact the value of the building. Financing retroffiting is moving toward a larger scale to the municipal level. Deep retrofit projects may require loans though is not yet typical. The cost variables are myriad BUT RCx will benefit the owner by increasing the value of the building and reducing need for repairs and increasing the life of equipment in the building.

Summary: This is a great overview of how to diagnose energy inefficiency in buildings. Retuning is part of a continuing RCx effort.

Resources: The Department of Energy will also present a live webcast titled “Retro-Commissioning” on Thursday, July 18, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.Eastern Daylight Time. During the webinar, retro-commissioning experts will help public sector organizations better understand the retro-commissioning process and its application in energy efficiency programs.

More Info Available at: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/news/progress_alerts.cfm/pa_id=903

This webinar is archived and available online at the DOE EERE Federal Energy Management Training Solution Site.

Our Divided Political Heart: The Battle for the American Idea

Hosted by: Brookings Institutions

Date: May 29

Discussant: E. J. Dionne, Jr., author of Our Divided American Heart (2012)

Moderater: Thomas E. Mann, Brookings Sr. Fellow

Theme: The imbalance in the contemporary American political system.

E.J. Dionne Jr.’s Presentation This is not a declinist book but aims to AVOID decline by refreshing the American political idea of community. The idea that decline is an economic crisis follows a pattern of blaming economics and THEN a spiritual side. The Tea Party is usthe author’s inspiration. Historically Americans have been torn by our love of individualism and affection for community. The last 40 years have told the American story solely on the individual side.

The Declaration of Independence does not start with “I” but with “We“. The Declaration is a perfect example of the balance between individualism and community. The final paragraph the founders plegde themselves to protect EACH OTHERS liberty. Historically the federal government was not involved in building the nation and the U.S. grew only through argument. Jefferson and Hamilton argued about the establishment of the federal bank. Clay argued in favor of a role for the federal government for internal development and as a manufacturing nation. Clay wanted to separate from Great Britain’s laissez faire policy.

The Constitution is a not a series of chains aimed to keep the nation where it was in the 1700’s. Ironically the radical image of America developed in the Bush and Obama eras. The “interlopers” that are progressives use radical means to restore the original idea of America. The dangers of concentrated economic power are balanced by the federal government, and vice versa.

Where exactly has federal governmnet overreached? The “big” government has not placed chains on the economy. Rather, as government grew upward mobility increased. The rise of radical individualism is a conservative reaction to the failure of W. Bush. He rejects the argument that security leads to less action and risk taking. Security was the underlying theme of the Civil War, scientists make their greatest inventions when they can safely move forward. The first federal health program was established in 1798. The federal Civil War Pension program consumed 37% of the federal budget. The federal Homestead Act allowed many Americans land ownership.

What’s wrong with our politics is that one party wants to destroy the balance of individualism and community. Being an American is a privilege and a responsibility. As a constitutional republic the historical expansion of the democracy: from just whites to african americans, to women.

Balance is found in the younger generations. They form social networks, give service, yet are entrepreneurs and individuals. Thatcher’s statement that “There is no society” is rejected for the reverse argument that there is “No individual without society.” Historically progressives have not tried to create a “monosociety” but were obsessed with empowering local government. Business itself is a vital part of the United States.

One hour of questions follows

Resources: The archived webinar is available at http://www.brookings.edu/events/2012/05/29-political-heart

The book is partially available at http://books.google.com/books?id=d4yvf8IFqo4C&printsec=frontcover&dq=our+divided+political+heart&hl=en&sa=X&ei=1yvuT9bgH-j16AGqyImcCg&ved=0CDYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=our%20divided%20political%20heart&f=false

Comment: This book works hard to collect what is going on and define the needs of the future. Unfortunately Dionne has tunnel vision. He misses the communities that have already left the U.S. political system, formed national and international networks and economies to move forward to a future that excludes the media circus and spending frenzy of U.S. politics. Dionne does not see those that have “played it forward” by exiting the resource black hole of American politics to redefine the future through technology and social media. Dionne uses the “traditionally academic” approach to politics to convey an message of hope. That said–the fact that he uses the old publishing/traditional political history/pundit approach to convey the message means that he has missed large groups that already redefine the future.

Rethinking Hemispheric Security and Strategy: Subregional Contributions to Regional Security: Day One Part Four

Event: 15th Annual Western Hemis;phere Security Colloquium: Rethinking Hemispheric Security and Strategy: Ten Years after the Mexico City OAS Declaration:

Day One Part Four: Subregional Contributions to Regional Security

Date: May 21, 2012

Hosted by: Institute for National Strategic Studies

Host: Nicolas Rostow, Director, Center for Strategic Research Institute for National Strategic Studies; http://www.ndu.edu/info/LeaderShipBios/Rostow.cfm

Introduction The Colloquium is the culmination of a collaborative study: Rethinking Hemispheric Security and Strategy: Ten Years after the Mexico City OAS Declaration. The focus is rethinking strategy in the Western Hemisphere. 5 themes from the research are presented at the Colloquium.

Presenter 1: Rear Admiral Richard Greenwood, Canadian Forces

Content: Many positive directions have developed in collabortive defense and security over the last 30 years. The LA contribution to global security has increased by 719 %. Defense and security among nations has never been easy or automatic. Every ally wants to do the least with the most credit and be the ONE that solves the problem. Defense strategy itself pulls away from cooperation. Jealousy, revealing weakness or vulnerabilities, and the automatic move toward worst-case planning. The idea of Northern or Eastern hemispheric cooperation is not an accepted norm in the defense world. Shining examples of cooperation (when it works really well) show that mutual respect (Good Neighbor Policy) supports deep reform across borders for the last 8 years. The lesson is that LA asked for peace relationship in 1945. It is not a case of the U.S. bludgeoning others for cooperation. Transformation is affected by geographic divide by Columbia, ideological divide from a traditional Left wing versus recent political moves toward the right. The institutions for cooperative system is hampered by the geographic and ideological factors. Mexico and the Caribbean exhibit change in the use of military forces for nonmilitary actions. Further south the dynamic successes in Guyana and Suriname for cooperative confidence building measures, natural disaster relief plan. The many factors contributing to change are not hemispheric but geographical and regional.

What is to be done? The need for a mindset change will be founded on the truth that the old North and South Americas are gone. The questions that must be answered are the problems, and priorities. All problems are not the fault of the U.S. That said, many changes must happen in North America: modernization of forces, natural disaster cooperation, reform of security apparatus, handling the increase of the military role, border control (SMART borders tech), timely intelligence, confidence buildings, creation of a defense community, building capacity for jointness, improved exposure of armed forces to peacekeeping.

The key is building confidence. Two generations of leaders have been poisoned about the values and aims of the U.S. We must show commitment to mutually  respect, common interests and working together to build a new defense and security cooperative system. Europe is in the western hemisphere for territorial interests only, not external interests.

If the institutions we’ve got ain’t working lets get some that do.

Presenter 2: Major General Walter Braga Netto, Embassy of Brazil

PP: http://www.ndu.edu/inss/docUploaded/Braga%20Netto.pdf

Content: How is Brazil in the World. The Brazilian border shares with 10 SA countries and a huge coastline. Comparatively Brazil has the largest border in the Western Hemisphere. Border security became a military problem in 1999. The Green Amazon borders 7 countries. The problems are ON the borders, not the borders themselves. Brazilian military works for cooperation versus dissuasion. The Amazon system is integrated with the remaining border for cooperative border control. SISFRON surveillance system is the future vision to establish a unified presence at the border.

Presenter 3: Ivelaw Griffith, PhD, Provost of York College, City University of NY

PP: http://www.ndu.edu/inss/docUploaded/Griffith.pdf

Content: The focus is that there is a collaboration imperative for small states. Regional Caribbean Security as described by exPM ANR Robinson frame Griffiths emphasis on context. You don’t have hemispheric collaboration just because you have a hemisphere. The nature of the configurational enterprise. What matters is the regional landscape manifests itself on the special security challenges that acrue. The components of the challenges requires understanding differences of the nature of the states. Voltaire’s principle of defining the terms before getting too far into the conversation means that decisionmakers must look at the reasons for security in the region. Traditional security (border disputes) do still exist but are secondary to the danger and endurance of nontraditional threats (drugs, crime, arms trafficking). The common denominator is the transnational and multidimensional nature of the threat. Security is no longer linear because you must deal with all threats all the time. The nature of the global arena means that all countries overlap multilateral engagement zones.  Small state capabilities have many resource issues to contend with: housing, water supply. The capability challenges undermine the ability to exercise sovereignty. Institutionalization and cooperation challenges have “platitude syndrome”: a big speech or treaty looks good but requires follow up in domestic legislation that change platitudes into meaningful execution and evaluation. The Dimensional Cooperation Challenge: the difficulty of cooperation within and among institutions.

Summary: Collaboration is an imperative in the context of the fixed nature of the Caribbean states.

Questions and Discussion: 30 minutes

Resources: The power points of individual presentations of the Colloquium are available at http://www.ndu.edu/inss/index.cfm?secID=205&pageID=17&type=section. INSS publications, news and events announcements are also available on the site.

The Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas will host a conference in Uruguay, October 2012. http://www.cdmamericas.org/

Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense, January 2012 http://www.defense.gov/news/Defense_Strategic_Guidance.pdf

Rethinking Hemispheric Security and Strategy: Ten Years after the Mexico City OAS Declaration: Day One Part One

Event: 15th Annual Western Hemis;phere Security Colloquium: Rethinking Hemispheric Security and Strategy: Ten Years after the Mexico City OAS Declaration: Day One Part One

Date: May 21, 2012

Hosted by: Institute for National Strategic Studies

Host: John (Jay) A. Cope Senior Research Fellow Center for Strategic Research, Western Hemisphere: http://www.ndu.edu/inss/index.cfm?type=section&secid=34&pageid=6

Introduction The Colloquium is the culmination of a collaborative study: Rethinking Hemispheric Security and Strategy: Ten Years after the Mexico City OAS Declaration. The focus is rethinking of strategy in the Western Hemisphere. 5 themes from the research will be presented at the Colloquium.

Presenter: Deputy Asst Secretary of Defense Frank Mora

Content: Sect’y of Defense Leon Panetta’s visit to South America highlighted innovation to establish new defense and security partnerships and alliances. Moving forwarrd in the current complex security environment has seen progress since the OAS Declaration in 2003 in the creation of a vision for the Armed Forces and agreements on norms.

The System: Sec’ty Panetta noted important opportunities emerging as SA countries are exporting security within and beyond their borders. The proliferation of bilateral, subregional, and multilateral defense is evidence of a system of defense cooperation in the hemisphere. A mature interamerican defense system is vital to address current needs. Current defense and security is trending toward Central American security capacity builiding through training, troop and equipment provision. The U.S. is pursuing bilateral defense and subregional partnerships to leverage the resources of partners to confront transnational crime. Collective efforts by defense partners is having a positive impact on regional and global peace and security. The new realities of defense cooperation underpins many documents. Collaboration is the foundation.

The Institutions: The foundation lies in the institutions that made up the former defense and security system. OAS works to build formal defense relationships to share best practices with other instituions. The environment surrounding defense and security institutions of increased professionalism and increasingly unthinkable interstate conflict change the strategic foci. The political commitments of the OAS 2003 Declaration are mandated to address multidimensional threats and require interagency and multinational response. Western hemispheric defesne institutions have responded to the new security environment. The role for defense institutions is to strengthen defense cooperation.

Defense Cooperation: What does defense cooperation mean? It means more concrete cooperation. Chile, Brazil, and others have increased administration and logistical support for cross country ministerial action. the CDMA Board is also developing more collaboration activities. Further discussion is needed to define the role for institutions as useful fora for deeper cooperation and effective action. Strong leadership and national participation is vital to steer the instituions into the 21st Century. Failing to effectively partner will increase risk.

Change Over Past 10 Years: Current threats were unthinkable 10 years ago. All security organizations are moving toward citizen security. The overwhelming attacks on democracy are overwhelming nonmilitary security resources. Militaries are increasingly asked to perform nonmilitary security action. US DoD feels that commitment to partnership has a multiplier effect on global security. The US/Mexican sharing of information has resulted in increased defense cooperation with other countries.

Challenges: The defense industry needs to challenge the assumption that military inclusion actually  militarizes anything. But the support of democracy, respect for human rights, rule of law and civilian authority must be supported carefully. Leaders must address the military as the last resort. A professional force must be trained in dealing with civilian populations with respect and professionally. Nonmilitary missions must be short term, not long term solutions to problems. Militaries cannot assume the responsiblities for civil institutions. Defense institutions are not teachers, medical services, and must remain apolitical and supported to civilian authority.

Conclusion: A strong defense system of cooperation can address the 21st century defense needs through a multilateral approach to advance peace and security throughout the hemisphere. Countries are moving daily toward this cooperative trend. The institutions that provide this foundation must continue to expand the dialogue on topics that affect each member of the colloquium. Sec’ty Panetta states a commitment to reinvigorating U.S. participation in the region. The lack of unanimity to strengthening hemispheric collaboration must not be a block.

Resources: The power points of individual presentations of the Colloquium are available at http://www.ndu.edu/inss/index.cfm?secID=205&pageID=17&type=section. INSS publications, news and events announcements are also available on the site.

The Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas will host a conference in Uruguay, October 2012. http://www.cdmamericas.org/

Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense, January 2012 http://www.defense.gov/news/Defense_Strategic_Guidance.pdf

Everything You Wanted to Know About State Charitable Solicitation Statutes But Were Afraid to Ask

Thirty-nine states and the District of Columbia have charitable solicitation statutes that generally require charities and their for-profit fundraising professionals to register prior to soliciting contributions or providing fundraising counsel services. Attendees will learn about these statutes from a former state charity regulator and former president of the National Association of State Charity Officials. Equally important, charities and their fundraising professionals who have been operating in violation of these statutes will learn the most appropriate strategies for getting into compliance.

Hosted by: GuideStar, Inc. (http://www.guidestar.org/Home.aspx)

Presenters: Karl E. Emerson, Of Counsel, Montgomery McCracken, and Chuck McLean, Vice President, Research, GuideStar USA, Inc.

Basic Definitions and Policy:

Solicitation: anything you do by asking people to make a contribution.

Grantwriters: are not considered professional soliciters but are professional counselors. Your organization is assumed to be registered in each state that you solicit a grant maker.

Charleston Principles: drafted in 1999 to address burdensome internet solicitation that must register in all states where solicitation originate. These Principles suggest that if an organization is only soliciting by website (Donate button) in other states, that charity should not have to register with that state until that charity resolicits (makes a followup call, writes a letter). Then, the charity only needs to register in each state where resolicits. Most organizations unknowingly have donors from a large number of states. The exemption of $25,000/year does not require registration as long as no one is compensated for fundraising. Email contributions eventually provide you with a physical address of the contributor, so solely asking online still requires you to comply with each state’s requirements.

Karl Emerson: 10 Basics you need to understand about charitable solicitation statutes

1.) Determine if you need to register under the charitable solicitation statute in your home state (39 require this: go to www.nasconet.org to find out). The links are provided to each state website for detailed information. Some states fine up to $1000 or $100/ day.

2.) Are you in compliance with applicable state charitable solicitation statutes in ALL states where you solicit contributions. Each state has various exemptions and exclusions. Usually the exemptions cover religious organizations. But, it’s not uniform across the country. Exemption in your home state does not cross to every other state. Formal application for exemption can be an annual process. Many states have conditions that determine exemption from solicitation statutes. You can use each state’s individual registration for OR a Unified Registration Statement (www.MultistateFiling.org). That can save you alot of time and effort. It’s a little lengthier. SC., Maine, Ok and a few other states do not accept a Unified Reg Statement.

3.) Make sure your IRS 990 Returns and other registration materials filed with the IRS are accurate, complete, free of material falsifications, misrepresentations, and omissions.

4.) Maintain your registrations by filing timely extesnion requests each uear and renewing your registration by the required due date each year. Extensions are needed because you won’t have your 990 done by the state(s) registration date(s). States are moving this online so it’s becoming easier. Penn, NC, and Wash are granting automatic extension.

5.) Make sure that all your professional fundraisers are properly registered and have filed copies of their contracts with state oversight agencies as required. Many are required to have written contracts, post bond and file campaign reports.  The contracts may need to be filed with the state oversight agencies. States do cross check these names and numbers. Many of the fundraiser reports are published annually.

6.) Make sure all your organizations’ solicitation materials contain any disclosure statements required by statutes. A Disclosure Statement only requires information for each state about contributions from that state.

7.) Makes sure any commercial co-ventures conducting charitable sales promotions for you organzation are registered, have the required bonds, have filed copies of your contracts and other required forms with all states where commercial coventurers are required to register. So approach a charitable sales promotion cautiously. Be sure you are getting enough through the co-venture.

8.) Make sure your organizations’ soliciation materials are: truthful, free of material false statements, misrepresentations, and/or omissions. Don’t engage in conduct prohibited by state charitable solicitation statute.

9.) Make sure your organization is keeping true and accurate fiscal records–even if it is exempt from state registration requirements. States can investigate an accusation of wrong doing even if it is in

10.) Make sure your organization is paying all your key executive only “reasonable compensiaton” not “excessive compensation”. This is a high focus arena in law enforcement right now (So how do you know what the IRS expectations are?). Also, be sure you are properly forwarding all required withholding taxes to the IRS and state taxing authorities. That is the most common thing IRS finds iwrong n an audit.

Takeaways: States are often unclear about charitable solicitation compliance. Don’t wait for a state to “catch” you. You get a better deal by registering voluntarily.

Resources: GuideStar has an ongoing webinar calendar at http://www.guidestar.org/rxg/news/webinars/index.aspx

Personal Reflection: Why is it that states are so consistently unclear about charitable solicitation?  The threat of fines from the state, IRS, etc are threatening in the sloppy world of charity. Achieving a full understanding of individual state requirements and compliance  is burdensome to NP’s. This policy arena needs to be synchronized across state borders. States are the ones that are behind on their responsibility. It’s not fair for them to just impose fines, it is state responsibility to keep up with the changing internet economic system that NP’s (and all of us) swim in. The state move to put their requirements online  helps, but the requirement for NP registration with every state is out of date with the actuality of nationwide and international internet economic trade. When do NP’s get to fine states for dragging their feet and making charity nearly impossible?